Graham Top, Queen’s Cairn from Glen Glass

I headed for Glen Glass, accessed from the B817 at Evanton, then drove up the single track road, which was under repair. It was badly needed as further up the glen sections of the road were more like rough estate tracks with numerous potholes and loose stones.

On arriving at the road end a sign at the north side stated ‘Turning Circle Only’ however I managed to park on the opposite side of the road. Vehicular access beyond this point was prevented by large white gates. Once booted up I walked round these gates, crossed the bridge over the River Glass and passed Eileanach Lodge.

Gates end of public road Glen Glass
Glen Glass

At a crossroads junction I went right and walked north-west on an estate track in good condition through a pleasant woodland. This led to the south end of Loch Glass where the track continued along its west bank passed the ‘Pink Lodge, which appeared unoccupied.

Loch Glass
Loch Glass
The Pink Lodge
The Pink Lodge
Ben Wyvis
Ben Wyvis

Around 100 minutes after leaving my car I reached Wyvis Lodge.

Wyvis Lodge
Wyvis Lodge

Immediately prior to the entrance to this property a vehicle track led to the houses at Corravachie, passing through a couple of gates en-route.

Track to Corravachie. Queen's Cairn beyond
Track to Corravachie. Queen’s Cairn beyond

A stony vehicle track, which was steep in places, was then followed up the west side of the Allt Corravachie to a mini hydro dam. (NH482724)

Corravachie and Creachan nan Sgadan
Corravachie and Creachan nan Sgadan

Beyond this dam a stalkers path continued up the side of the stream but I soon left it and headed onto the east ridge of Queen’s Cairn. Initially it was through rough ground and long heather then higher up it was a bit rockier. Finally a short steep climb took me to the summit where the highest point of this Graham Top was a boulder nine metres west of the cairn.

Carn Loch nan Amhaichean
Carn Loch nan Amhaichean
Glen of the Abhainn Beinn nan Eun and Beinn nan Eun
Glen of the Abhainn Beinn nan Eun and Beinn nan Eun
Carn Chuinneag in the distance
Carn Chuinneag in the distance
Loch Glass and Meall Mor
Loch Glass and Meall Mor
Ben Wyvis
Ben Wyvis

After a break at the summit I returned by the approach route.

Queen's Cairn
Queen’s Cairn
  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 22.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 565 metres.