Graham Top, Carn nam Feuachie

I parked on the north verge of the A87 Invermoriston to Shiel Bridge Road, opposite the Loch Cluanie Dam, crossed a fence, went round the east side of a power station and onto a vehicle track that led to a disused quarry. I climbed north, crossed the Old Military Road then over rugged terrain consisting of several undulations, knolls, rocks and boulders.

Loch Cluanie Dam
Loch Cluanie Dam
Across Loch Cluanie to Beinn Loinne
Across Loch Cluanie to Beinn Loinne
Loch Cluannie and east end of South Glen Shiel Ridge
Loch Cluannie and east end of South Glen Shiel Ridge

Higher up I came to and crossed a deer fence then higher still the gradient eased before it steepened again and led to the cairn marking the summit of the Graham Top, Carn nam Feuaich. There was a cool wind blowing here but plenty of rocks to shelter behind for lunch.

Approaching Carn nam Feuaich
Approaching Carn nam Feuaich
Carn Ghluasaid, Sgurr nan Conbhairean and Sail Chaorainn
Carn Ghluasaid, Sgurr nan Conbhairean and Sail Chaorainn
Beinn an Iomaire. Glen Affric Munros beyond
Beinn an Iomaire. Glen Affric Munros beyond
Beinn an Iomaire, Aonach Shasuinn and Carn a' Choire Bhuidhe. Glen Affric Munros beyond
Beinn an Iomaire, Aonach Shasuinn and Carn a’ Choire Bhuidhe. Glen Affric Munros beyond
Glen Moriston
Glen Moriston
Meall Dubh
Meall Dubh
Towards Glen Garry
Towards Glen Garry

Afterwards I descended south-west to Loch a’ Chairn, which was covered in snow and ice, then climbed Carn nam Feuaich West Top, a Sub Simm, the highest point marked by a rock.

Loch a' Chairn
Loch a’ Chairn
Carn Ghluasaid, Sgurr nan Conbhairean and Sail Chaorainn
Carn Ghluasaid, Sgurr nan Conbhairean and Sail Chaorainn
Carn nam Feuaich
Carn nam Feuaich

The return route was a descent slightly west of the ascent route to the disused quarry followed by a short walk back to the start.

Route off Carn nam Feuaich
Route off Carn nam Feuaich
  • Time taken – 3.5 hours.
  • Distance – 6 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 550 metres.