Graham, Sgurr a’ Gharaidh, Torridon

I parked on the verge beside a passing place on the A896 Lochcarron to Shieldaig Road immediately north of the access road leading to Glasnock House and Shepherd’s Cottage. Once geared up, including ice axes and crampons, we headed off along the estate track on the south side of Loch an Loin.

Loch an Loin
Loch an Loin

On reaching the first bungalow we crossed the Allt na Criche, via a gated bridge, to enter a field of sheep. From there we climbed to a gate being constructed in a deer fence and onto the open hillside.

Beinn Bhan
Beinn Bhan
Route to Sgurr a' Gharaidh
Route to Sgurr a’ Gharaidh

Animal trails were followed up the north side of a stream through a mixture of dead grasses and bracken, heather and rocks. Higher up there were some quad vehicle trails before we reached the snow covered west ridge of Sgurr a’ Gharaidh.

Beinn Damh, Liathach, Beinn Eighe, Maol Chean-dearg and An Ruadh-stac
Beinn Damh, Liathach, Beinn Eighe, Maol Chean-dearg and An Ruadh-stac
Approaching summit of Sgurr a' Gharaidh
Approaching summit of Sgurr a’ Gharaidh

Several twists and turns were made to avoid small gullies and hillocks to reach the foot of Sgurr a’ Gharaidh. Here we donned crampons and got the ice axes out for the final climb of a snow filled gully to reach the summit of this Graham. There were two cairns, the first was larger but the smaller cairn to the east was apparently the highest point.

Loch Coultrie, Loch Damh and Ben Shieldaig
Loch Coultrie, Loch Damh and Ben Shieldaig
Maol Chean-dearg and An Ruadh-stac
Maol Chean-dearg and An Ruadh-stac
West Monar Mountains in the distance
West Monar Mountains in the distance
Glas Bheinn and the Mountains of Kintail
Glas Bheinn and the Mountains of Kintail

After a break taking in some fine views we returned by the ascent route.

Lochs Kishorn and Carron
Lochs Kishorn and Carron
Loch Damh and Beinn Damh on descent
Loch Damh and Beinn Damh on descent
Lochs Coultrie and Damh and Ben Shieldaig on descent
Lochs Coultrie and Damh and Ben Shieldaig on descent
  • Time taken – 5 hours.
  • Distance – 7.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 710 metres.