Graham Meall Reamhar

Back in October 2011 we planned to combine Meall nan Caorach with Meall Reamhar but after climbing the former and descending to the col between the two Grahams we were advised that stalking was taking place on  Meall Reamhar so there was no option other than to head back down the glen to return another day.

The forecast was for the weather to improve as the day progressed so we planned for a later start. I parked at the beginning of the access road for Girron Farm, on the A822 Crieff to Dunkeld Road, south of Amulree, where the track had been widened. The farmer had no objection to me leaving my vehicle there as long as it was parked close to the fence.

It was raining as we set off over the wooden bridge across the Girron Burn then along the widened track towards Girron Farm. At a junction of tracks we took the left fork for the farm, the other one being used by construction traffic. Beyond the farm a muddy track took us under the pylon lines then the underfoot conditions improved as we headed up the glen. There was a short steeper section before the track ran below Creag Ghorm.

Meall Reamhar
Meall Reamhar

Prior to reaching the col between Meall nan Caorach and Meall Reamhar we left the track, crossed some heather and marshy vegetation, to reach a rusty fence topped with barbed wire. Once over it there was more wet ground before the ascent of Meall Reamhar commenced. It was a steady climb through heather and grass keeping to the north of some rocks. The cairn was soon reached and here it was rather windy but the cloud was clearing. I also visited a point on the other side of a fence which was apparently the same height. A bit of shelter was found for a break with views of Loch Freuchie, Glen Almond and in the distance Schiehallion.

Creag Liath. Loch Freuchie beyond
Creag Liath. Loch Freuchie beyond
Approach route
Approach route
Meall nan Caorach
Meall nan Caorach
South to the Lowlands
South to the Lowlands
Towards Glen Almond
Towards Glen Almond
Towards Logiealmond
Towards Logiealmond

Thereafter we returned by the approach route as the weather continued to improve and eventually the sun did make an appearance.

Loch Freuchie and Amulree
Loch Freuchie and Amulree
Meall Reamhar on descent
Meall Reamhar on descent
Amulree, Craig Hulich and Meall Dearg
Amulree, Craig Hulich and Meall Dearg
  • Time taken – 2.75 hours.
  • Distance – 8.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 360 metres.