Graham, Druim na Sgriodain, Ardgour

Around 9am I parked at Nether Lochaber, just off the A82 south of Fort William. This gave us sufficient time to change into boots and waterproofs then board the ferry as foot passengers at no charge. The ferry sailed at 9.15am for the short crossing to Corran in Ardgour.

Corran, Coire Dubh abd Sgurr na h-Eanchainne from Ferry
Corran, Coire Dubh abd Sgurr na h-Eanchainne from Ferry
Loch Linnhe looking north from Corran Ferry
Loch Linnhe looking north from Corran Ferry

Once disembarked, we walked north along A861 and out of the village.

Start of walk north along A861 at Corran
Start of walk north along A861 at Corran
Corran Ferry
Corran Ferry

Just beyond Keil Farm there was a ‘footpath’ sign and this took us up the edge of a field of sheep to a small gate then along a rough and muddy path, churned up by animals. Before reaching the old cemetery we left the mud and headed uphill.

An Camas Aiseig and Corran Narrows, Loch Linnhe
An Camas Aiseig and Corran Narrows, Loch Linnhe

It was a steep climb onto the north ridge of Sgurr na h-Eainchainne then easier walking as we ascended this Graham Top, marked by a cairn and trig point. The views weren’t great due to passing showers.

Druim na Sgriodain
Druim na Sgriodain

From this hill we descended west then climbed the Graham, Druim na Sgriodain, passing a few lochans, before reaching its summit cairn.

Glen Gour and Garbh Bheinn
Glen Gour and Garbh Bheinn

It was a bit cold and windy here so we descended south then south-east round Coire Dubh later stopping for a break once out of the wind.

Coire Dubh and Corran Narrows
Coire Dubh and Corran Narrows
Loch Linnhe with Ben Nevis beyond
Loch Linnhe with Ben Nevis beyond
Loch Linnhe, Corran Narrows, Ballachulish Bridge and Loch Leven
Loch Linnhe, Corran Narrows, Ballachulish Bridge and Loch Leven
Across Loch Linnhe to Beinn a' Bheithir
Across Loch Linnhe to Beinn a’ Bheithir
South down Loch Linnhe
South down Loch Linnhe
Coire Dubh
Coire Dubh

 Afterwards we headed for the waterfall and walked down the south side of the Allt a’ Choire Dhuibh crossing it before it dropped steeply to join another smaller stream.

Tubhailt Mhic 'ic Eoghain Waterfall
Tubhailt Mhic ‘ic Eoghain Waterfall

We then headed for the access track to the communications tower and from there walked along this track to Ardgour House then Clovullin to join the A861 west of Corran. We reached the ferry terminal five minutes before the 3.30pm ferry back to Nether Lochaber.

Departing Corran
Departing Corran
  • Time taken – 6 hours.
  • Distance – 13.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 905 metres.