Graham, Biod an Fhithich, Glen Shiel

The previous day it was stormy on the Isle of Skye so this kept us off the hills. The weather forecast for this day showed slightly better conditions on the mainland so we crossed over to Kintail to climb the Graham, Biod an Fhithich.

I parked in the lay–by on the A87 Kyle of Lochalsh to Bun Loyne Road south of the old Achnagart Quarry in Glen Shiel. We then walked south on a wet path along the edge of a deer fence with a few pools of water to cross. It would have been easier and drier just to walk along the side of the main road which we did on our return.

At a gate in the deer fence we joined the stalker’s path which wound its way south-west before turning north-west below Meallan Odhar.

Stalker's path and Biod an Fhithich
Stalker’s path and Biod an Fhithich
Higher up on stalker's path. Biod an Fhithich
Higher up on stalker’s path. Biod an Fhithich

This was the main route to the Forcan Ridge and The Saddle. We encountered some rain, which turned to sleet and higher up snow, before clearing. An area of old soft snow was crossed before reaching the Bealach na Craoibhe.

Sgurr Mhic Bharraich from Bealach na Craoibhe
Sgurr Mhic Bharraich from Bealach na Craoibhe
Route onto Biod an Fhithich
Route onto Biod an Fhithich

From there we climbed the south ridge of Biod an Fhithich where there were traces of a path and a light covering of snow. It was a relatively easy ascent with a slight increase in the gradient just prior to reaching the summit cairn. As well as the Forcan Ridge and The Saddle there were good views north to Sgurr Mhic Bharraich, Loch Duich and Sgurr an Airgid and across Glen Shiel to the Five Sisters.

Forcan Ridge and The Saddle
Forcan Ridge and The Saddle
Sgurr Mhic Bharraich and Loch Duich
Sgurr Mhic Bharraich and Loch Duich
Sgurr Mhic Bharraich, Loch Duich and Sgurr an Airgid
Sgurr Mhic Bharraich, Loch Duich and Sgurr an Airgid
Glen Shiel and Sgurr an Airgid
Glen Shiel and Sgurr an Airgid
Sgurr Fhuaran, Sgurr na Carnach and Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe
Sgurr Fhuaran, Sgurr na Carnach and Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe
Glen Shiel and the South Glenshiel Ridge
Glen Shiel and the South Glenshiel Ridge

After a break at the summit we returned by the upward route encountering snow which lasted until we were well down the stalker’s path.

  • Time taken – 3.25 hours.
  • Distance – 6.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 600 metres.