Graham Beinn nan Eun Easter Ross

I was considering climbing the Graham, Carn Loch nan Amhaichean, in Easter Ross, but on phoning the keeper he suggested I wait until a Sunday so I contacted the keeper for Wyvis Estate who was happy for me to access the route to the Graham, Beinn nan Eun. I drove to the end of the public road in Glen Glass, accessed from the village of Evanton, and parked in the large turning circle beside the bridge over the River Glass.

We set off on our bikes across the bridge, passed Eileanach Lodge, then took a right turn and followed the vehicle track through the woods to Loch Glass.

Loch Glass and Meall Mor
Loch Glass and Meall Mor
The Pink Lodge zoomed
The Pink Lodge zoomed

The good quality estate track continued along the south-west side of Loch Glass to Wyvis Lodge which I was advised to avoid as folks were in residence.

Wyvis Lodge
Wyvis Lodge

We bypassed the Lodge by following the vehicle track to Corravachie where workers constructing nearby hydro dams were staying. A new upgraded track ran along the south then south west sides of the Abhainn Beinn nan Eun and it became obvious why there was no stalking. A small hydro dam was under construction on this stream and on the north slopes of Ben Wyvis.

Abhainn Beinn nan Eun and upper reaches of Glen Glass
Abhainn Beinn nan Eun and upper reaches of Glen Glass

We spoke to a couple of chaps who stopped working on the track to let us past. When the track steepened we left our bikes beside some trees and continued on foot soon reaching a junction of tracks below the waterfall. Here a new track and bridge had been constructed but we continued up the old rough track briefly diverting to visit the waterfall and an unusual shelter nearby.

Waterfall, Abhainn Beinn nan Eun
Waterfall, Abhainn Beinn nan Eun
Shelter beside waterfall Abhainn Beinn nan Eun
Shelter beside waterfall Abhainn Beinn nan Eun

Once above the falls we crossed the Abhainn Beinn nan Eun and walked up the east side of the Allt Beinn nan Eun through rough vegetation, including tussocks.

Beinn nan Eun
Beinn nan Eun

Higher up we moved to the other side of this burn and climbed, initially fairly steeply, through some long heather before the gradient eased. The vegetation was now much shorter and contained rocky ground where we spotted a family of ptarmigan.

Meall Mor and its Wind Farm
Meall Mor and its Wind Farm
Ben Wyvis
Ben Wyvis
Carn nan Con Ruadha
Carn nan Con Ruadha
Carn Loch nan Amhaichean
Carn Loch nan Amhaichean

The cairn marking the summit of Beinn nan Eun was reached and here we took a break looking out across the moorland towards Beinn Dearg.

Beinn Dearg and Seana Bhraigh
Beinn Dearg and Seana Bhraigh
Loch Magharaidh and Carn Chuinneag
Loch Magharaidh and Carn Chuinneag

The return was a direct route to the new dam on the Abhainn Beinn nan Eun then along the access road to the junction with the old track. We collected our bikes and made the fairly easy cycle back to Glen Glass.

  • Time taken – 5.5 hours.
  • Distance – 29.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 745 metres.