Graham, Beinn na Sroine from Glen Lochy

With a changeable weather forecast it was decided on a short walk before I headed home. The Graham, Beinne na Sroine, would only take around a couple of hours so we left my car on an area of waste ground in Glen Lochy on the north side of the A85 Tyndrum to Dalmally Road. At this point there was a wide gap in the forest. (Grid Ref NN245286)

On arrival it was raining heavily so we remained in the car until it ceased. We then set off across an old fence before climbing an embankment on the west side of a stream.

Start of walk up embankment
Start of walk up embankment

Initially there was a path but it soon disappeared so it was just the sake of continuing uphill across the wet vegetation.

Beinn a' Chleibh and Glen Lochy
Beinn a’ Chleibh and Glen Lochy
A85 and ascent route
A85 and ascent route
Beinn Chuirn, Beinn Dubh and Glen Lochy
Beinn Chuirn, Beinn Dubh and Glen Lochy

Higher up the gradient eased before reaching a small cairn then it was a short walk to the trig point marking the summit of Beinne na Sroine. Nearby there were some concrete and metal stanchions, the remnants of an old mast. We had some views of the surrounding hills but most of the higher tops were covered in cloud.

Meall Garbh and Glen Lochy
Meall Garbh and Glen Lochy
Ben Cruachan group of hills
Ben Cruachan group of hills
Across Glen Orchy to Beinn Mhic-Mhonaidh
Across Glen Orchy to Beinn Mhic-Mhonaidh
Glen Orchy, Meall Tairbh and Ben Inverveigh
Glen Orchy, Meall Tairbh and Ben Inverveigh
Loch Awe and Ben Cruachan
Loch Awe and Ben Cruachan
Beinn Eunaich in the sun
Beinn Eunaich in the sun

We found some shelter from the wind while looking across to Ben Lui but the cloud failed to clear the tops so we returned by the upward route arriving at the car as it started to rain.

Ben Lui and Beinn a' Chleibh
Ben Lui and Beinn a’ Chleibh
  • Time taken – 2 hours.
  • Distance – 3 kilometres.
  • Ascent – 425 metres.