Graham, Beinn na Feusaige

Earlier in the week it was observed that access to the Graham, Beinn na Feusaige, from the A890 Achnasheen to Lochcarron Road at Loan via the track beside the Allt Coire Crubaidh, wouldn’t be possible as a new hydro dam was under construction. An internet search revealed that it was possible to climb this hill via a firebreak from the A890 further east.

I parked beside the gate in the deer fence at grid reference NH094/531 then we climbed over the gate, which was tied down, and commenced the ascent of Beinn na Feusaige up a wide fire break. The ground was a bit wet and despite the fence there was evidence that deer were using the wood.

View back down firebreak to Loch Sgamhain
View back down firebreak to Loch Sgamhain

On reaching its top end we clambered over the deer fence then it was a fairly steep climb through grass and heather to reach the summit plateau where there were a few snow patches.

Glen Carron , Loch Sgamhain and Sgurr nan Ceannaichean
Glen Carron , Loch Sgamhain and Sgurr nan Ceannaichean
Glen Carron
Glen Carron
Approaching summit of Beinn na Feusaige
Approaching summit of Beinn na Feusaige

The highest point, an outcrop of rock, was at grid reference NH09009/54230 which was at the opposite end of the plateau from the summit shown on my map. On reaching this point we took a break sheltering from the wind before returning by the ascent route.

Carn Ban
Carn Ban
Bidein Clann Raonaild. Loch Maree and Slioch beyond
Bidein Clann Raonaild. Loch Maree and Slioch beyond
Fionn Bheinn
Fionn Bheinn
Moruisg and Sgurr nan Ceannaichean
Moruisg and Sgurr nan Ceannaichean
  • Time taken – 2.75 hours.
  • Distance – 3 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 465 metres.