Graham, Beinn Mheadhoin

I left my vehicle in the car park on the B8043 Kingairloch to Lochaline Road, at the east end of Loch Uisge, then walked along the vehicle track to the loch and across its dam by a walkway. A rough track then headed up the north ridge of Meall a’ Chaorainn Loch Uisge but gradually disappeared amongst the vegetation.

Abhainn na Coinnich and Beinn na Cille
Abhainn na Coinnich and Beinn na Cille
Meall na Greine. Beinn Mheadhoin beyond
Meall na Greine. Beinn Mheadhoin beyond
View back to start and Loch Uisge
View back to start and Loch Uisge

I continued to the summit of this Tump before descending south and climbing the Tump, Meall na Greine.

Beinn Mheadhoin
Beinn Mheadhoin

There were traces of a path and some old metal fence posts as I descended to the Bealach Choire Bhain. From there I ascended Beinn Mheadhoin’s West Top then it was onto the Graham, Beinn Mheadhoin, its summit marked by a large cairn with a trig point nearby. Low cloud that had drifted over the hills began to disperse to give me some reasonable views. However the noise from the workings at the Glen Sanda Quarry to the south disturbed the peace and quiet.

Loch Tearnait. Sound and Isle of Mull in distance
Loch Tearnait. Sound and Isle of Mull in distance
Meall na Fidhle, Loch Linnhe and Isle of Lismore
Meall na Fidhle, Loch Linnhe and Isle of Lismore
Fuar Bheinn, Beinn na Cille and Loch Linnhe
Fuar Bheinn, Beinn na Cille and Loch Linnhe
Bealach Choire Bhain and Meall na Greine
Bealach Choire Bhain and Meall na Greine
Beinn Iadain and Beinn nam Beathrach
Beinn Iadain and Beinn nam Beathrach

After time at the summit I descended to the small lochans west of Bealach Choire Bhan then worked my way across some rough ground above Coire Beitheach and climbed to the summit of Meall a’ Choire Bheithich.

Route from Beinn Mheadhoin
Route from Beinn Mheadhoin
Gleann Geal, Isle of Mull beyond
Gleann Geal, Isle of Mull beyond
Beinn Chlaonleud. Beinn Iadain beyond
Beinn Chlaonleud. Beinn Iadain beyond

More rough ground, wet in places, was crossed as I worked my way below the south and east sides of Meall a’ Chaorainn Loch Uisge before locating the track used earlier and following back to the start.

Loch Uisge. Beinn Resipol in distance
Loch Uisge. Beinn Resipol in distance
  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 12 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 900 metres.