Glen Urquhart

On this day I headed to Glen Urquhart, west of Drumndrochit, parking on the south side of the A831 Drumnadrochit to Cannich Road just west of the access road to Shewglie. I then crossed the road bridge over the River Enrick and walked south along the tarred road to Shewglie, a large dark yellow painted house which must be expensive to keep warm in these times of high energy bills.

Route to Shewglie House and Farm
Route to Shewglie House and Farm

Just beyond this house I went right, round some farm buildings, to a gate leading to a vehicle track through a field containing cows and their calves. There were several feeding in a nearby trough but some were blocking the muddy track. Fortunately as I got close to them they slowly moved away and I continued along the track through the field and its trees. I then passed through another stock gate and entered Shewglie Wood before crossing the Affric-Kintail Way. There were a few forest tracks to follow and it was a fairly steady climb to arrive at the gate in the deer fence at the south side of the wood.

Loch Meiklie
Loch Meiklie
Across Glen Urquhart to Carn nam Bad
Across Glen Urquhart to Carn nam Bad

I was now on the open hillside as I walked south along the vehicle track until reaching a large sweeping bend where I left the track and commenced the ascent of Carn na h-Imrich. It was a steady climb through heather, mosses, and grasses, wet in places, and onto the summit of this Tump. The highest point was just north of the tall cairn.

Carn an t-Sluic Dhuibh
Carn an t-Sluic Dhuibh
Suidhe Ghuirmain
Suidhe Ghuirmain

There was a cold wind blowing here but I did manage some shelter behind the cairn for a coffee break. Thereafter I descended south-west through rougher vegetation to the north side of Loch a’ Choire Bhuidhe. From there I climbed south then south-east onto Carn an t-Sluic Dhuibh where a cairn marked the highest point of this Tump.

Loch a' Choire Bhuidhe
Loch a’ Choire Bhuidhe
Carn na h-Imrich
Carn na h-Imrich
Carn Macsna
Carn Macsna
Meall Fuar-mhonaidh and Glas-bheinn Mhor
Meall Fuar-mhonaidh and Glas-bheinn Mhor

After a few minutes at the top I descended its north-east ridge, rough going and wet at times, to join the vehicle track at NH419263. This track was followed north to the point I had left it earlier, then I retraced my outward route back to the start. Fortunately this time there was only one cow blocking the track.

  • Time taken – 5.25 hours.
  • Distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 540 metres.