Glen Urquhart

Creag Mhor: Left my vehicle in the car park on the south side of the River Enrick, east of Balnain on the A831 Drumnadrochit to Cannich Road, and walked briefly west along this road to the minor road leading to Tolcroft Lodges. I followed this access road north-east passed the Lodges then a vehicle track to the house at Badcaul. Here I crossed a field and entered the forest where a path led to the summit of the Tump, Creag Mhor.

I descended east to a vehicle track later narrowing to a path which ran below Creag Mhor and took me back to the vehicle track west of Badcaul.

Beinn a’Ghairchin: Parked below Achtemarach Farm, reached along a minor road on the north side of the A831 Drumnadrochit to Cannich Road, and walked to the farm where I crossed a bridge. A vehicle track led to a field and once across it and a fence I entered the forest. I then ascended Beinn a’Ghairchin, the summit of this Tump marked by a trig point. The return was by the ascent route.

Cnoc na Moine: Parked on the minor road south of the private road leading to Upper Gartally, reached from the A833 Drumnadrochit to Beauly Road immediately north of its junction with the A831 Drumnadrochit to Cannich Road. I walked to the end of the public road, crossed the outflow from Loch an Sgorr Gaoithe and entered and crossed a field. Beyond there was an area of gorse and juniper bushes but with no nearby alternative I crossed a barbed wire fence and worked my way through these hazards. This took me onto more open ground and the summit of this Tump. To avoid the gorse I took a more direct route back to the start.

Carn Loch nam Bat: Parked at the side of the A833 Drumnadrochit to Beauly Road opposite the north end of Loch na Ba Ruaidhe, crossed a gate and followed a little used path towards Loch nam Bat. I later left this path and climbed to the summit of the Tump, Carn Loch nam Bat. The return was by the upward route.

Carn Lochan Dubh: From A833 Drumnadrochit to Beauly Road utilised the vehicle track that ran round the south, west and north sides of the hill. Once at the north side climbed through long heather to the unmarked summit of this Tump. Descended south through gorse, bracken and juniper bushes to re-join the track for the short walk back to my car. It would have been easier to return by the approach route.

  • Total time – 4 hours.
  • Total distance – 10.5 kilometres.
  • Total distance climbed – 465 metres.