Glen Tanar

Baudy Meg: I parked at the end of the public road in Glen Tanar, south-west of Aboyne, and walked along estate tracks to the bridge over the Water of Tanar then followed the Firmounth Road to the south-west of Baudy Meg. Here I left this old drove road and walked along the estate track below the south and east sides of this Tump. At the track’s high point I left it and climbed initially through long heather then as height was gained the vegetation was shorter having been managed by the estate. The summit cairn was reached although a nearby boulder may have been higher. There were good views of the snow covered hills.

Mount Keen
Mount Keen
Lochnagar - zoomed
Lochnagar – zoomed
Ben Avon - zoomed
Ben Avon – zoomed
View towards the cloudy north-east
View towards the cloudy north-east

I descended north/north-east then took the track west of Black Craig which led to the estate track on the south side of the Water of Tanar and returned to the start.

Knappy Park: This now deleted Tump was located on the south side of the River Dee and south-east of Aboyne. I parked at the side of the unclassified road to the west of Knappy Park and walked along an old vehicle track which later joined a more used track to reach a gate in a stock fence both covered in rabbit wire. Once across I continued to the end of the track then walked through the trees until what appeared to be the highest point of Knappy Park. The return was by the upward route.

Cap of Balnacraig: I moved my vehicle further east, still on the south side of the River Dee, south-west of Kincardine O’NeilI, to the edge of a passing place on the unclassified road to the east of this Tump, accessed off the B993. I walked briefly north then west along the road signposted Balnacraig. Prior to approaching these buildings I entered the trees, crossed some rough ground and climbed through the wood to the summit where I visited a couple of high points. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time 5.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 17.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 575 metres.