Glen Strae

The Graham, Meall Garbh, is an awkward little hill to reach. The choice was a long walk in from Victoria Bridge to the east or from Glen Strae to the south crossing over Meall Beithe with the subsequent loss of height to reach the foot of Meall Garbh. I opted for the latter, which was shorter distance wise, with a plan to include the Hump/Graham Top, Beinn Lurachan.

Having left the car on grass at the start of the private road up Glen Strae, accessed from the B8077 north-west of Dalmally, we walked north-east up this road taking the left fork through a small nature reserve where there was a lochan for wading birds.

Nature Reerve, Glen Strae
Nature Reerve, Glen Strae

After exiting this area we continued along the vehicle track for another kilometre to a newish large farm steading.

Beinn Lurachan and Glen Strae
Beinn Lurachan and Glen Strae

Just beyond it we left Glen Strae and took the path heading north above the Allt Dhoireann.  This path on the west side of the stream was mainly dry although initially churned up by cattle.

Highland cattle and calves
Highland cattle and calves
Glen of the Allt Dhoireann
Glen of the Allt Dhoireann

Further up the glen we came to a stock fence and once through the gate we parted company. My walking companion continued to Lairig Dhoireann while I descended to and crossed the Allt Dhoireann then commenced the ascent of Beinn Lurachan.


It was a steady climb of its south-west ridge eventually reaching the summit where it was rather cold in the wind.

Loch Awe
Loch Awe
Beinn nan Aighenan
Beinn nan Aighenan
Beinn Mhic-Mhonaidh (following day's hill)
Beinn Mhic-Mhonaidh (following day’s hill)

I descended north-east then north to the col with Meall Beithe where I re-joined my walking friend then we made the relatively easy and short climb to the summit of this Graham Top.

Meall Voirlich, Glen Kinglass and the Barcaldine Hills
Meall Voirlich, Glen Kinglass and the Barcaldine Hills
Meall Garbh
Meall Garbh

From Meall Beithe we descended across some rough ground and vegetation to the col with Meall Garbh where a stock fence was crossed. It was then a steady climb through vegetation, avoiding the rocks to reach the summit of Meall Garbh which was apparently an outcrop between the two cairns which we visited.

Beinn Eunaich and Beinn a' Chochuill
Beinn Eunaich and Beinn a’ Chochuill

After a break here we returned to the col with Meall Beithe then worked our way round its east face, which wasn’t too difficult, gradually gaining some height to reach the col between Meall Beithe and Beinn Lurachan. We then crossed some rough terrain and a few small gullies to reach the Lairig Dhoireann then descended to the Allt Dhoireann returning to Glen Strae and the start.

Lochan Dhoireann, Meall Copagach and Lairig Dhoireann
Lochan Dhoireann, Meall Copagach and Lairig Dhoireann
  • Time taken – 8.5 hours.
  • Distance – 18 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1265 metres.