Glen Quoich, Deeside

I met a couple of American friends in Ballater and drove them to the Linn of Quoich, west of Braemar. I had to leave my vehicle in a parking area on the west side of the Quoich Water as the bridge over the river had been washed away in a storm at the end of 2015.

Quoich Water flowing east of road bridge
Quoich Water flowing east of road bridge

We then walked up Glen Quoich for a couple of kilometres to where the vehicle track had been washed away.

Quoich Water
Quoich Water
Quoich Water. Vehicle track washed away in storm of 2015
Quoich Water. Vehicle track washed away in storm of 2015
Beinn a' Bhuird in the distance
Beinn a’ Bhuird in the distance

On our return we visited The Punch Bowl before heading back to the car.

Quoich Water looking south from footbridge at Linn of Quoich
Quoich Water looking south from footbridge at Linn of Quoich
Quoich Water running though gully at Linn of Quoich
Quoich Water running though gully at Linn of Quoich
Quoich Water and Punch Bowl
Quoich Water and Punch Bowl
  • Time taken – 2.75 hours.
  • Distance – 3.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 155 metres.