Glen Prosen

I was down in Angus, in particular Glen Prosen, to ascend a few hills that I hadn’t climbed before. The first one was the uncategorised Hill of Stone. I left my car on the verge north-west of Cormuir Farm and walked along the Right of Way signposted Glen Isla. I later left this track and followed grassy animal trails onto the heathery summit where I visited a couple of possible high points.

On returning to my car I moved it further down the Glen to south-east of Dalairn before passing through a stock gate and following a vehicle track south-west. There were some cattle nearby but they didn’t show much interest. Higher up I went through another stock gate and beyond it the vehicle track had been improved as it ran below Hill of Adenaich. At the track’s highpoint I left it and made the short walk along the edge of an old fence visiting a couple of points which were possible contenders for the summit of this Tump.

I headed back to and along the upgraded track later leaving it and descending south-east along the edge of a fence to the col with Finlet before climbing to the summit of this uncategorised hill visiting a couple of high points. Thereafter I headed back to the col then worked my way round the east side of Hill of Adenaich to rejoin the track used earlier and return to the start.

A bit further south-east in Glen Prosen I parked at the side of the vehicle track south of Easter Lednathie and walked up this track initially passing through a couple of gates and crossing a stream. Higher up there was a third gate then the track headed up the side of a copse of trees and onto the open hillside. I left this track and headed more directly onto Long Goat’s West Ridge and to the obvious summit of this Tump which was two metres south of the fence. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time – 4 hours.
  • Total distance – 16.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 930 metres.