Glen Nochty

North-west of Bellabeg in Strath Don is Glen Nochty and here I left my car on an area of waste ground, east of Firs Cottage. I then walked west along the untarred road on the north side of Water of Nochty to Tolduquhill where a small diversion took me round this working farm. Beyond it I headed along a farm track which crossed some fields and the Quillichan Burn before joining a more obvious track.

At a junction of tracks I took a right climbing steadily north-west and was later passed by a couple of guys in an estate vehicle. At the next junction I took a left turn and followed this track south-west to the summit of The Socach visiting the highest point of this Graham Top which was apparently ten metres south of the main cairn.

I returned back along the track to the left turn junction, crossed the track and walked over some soft ground, a few peat hags then some heather and onto the south-west ridge of Dubh Breac Hill. Here the heather was short and made for easy walking to the summit knoll where there was a small stone marking the highest point of this Graham Top.

I then walked north-west through heather before descending the north ridge avoiding several boulder fields. Lower down the going was a bit awkward due to some reeds and bog. A couple of streams were crossed then a stock fence beside Duffdefiance. A vehicle track was then followed through the forest to the start.

  • Time taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Distance – 15 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 560 metres.