Glen Lyon

I drove to the west end of Stronuich Reservoir in Glen Lyon, which can be reached from B846 west of Aberfeldy or across the Lawers Hill Road from the A827 east of Killin, and parked at the west side of a cattle grid. I then walked across it and climbed north-east on rough vegetation following the line of a stock fence.

An Grianan from start
An Grianan from start

A gate was crossed and from there I headed for the Allt Cashlie crossing it just below a newly constructed dam.

Stronuich Reservoir and Creag Laoghain
Stronuich Reservoir and Creag Laoghain
River Lyon and Meall nan Subh
River Lyon and Meall nan Subh
An Grianan and Allt Cashlie Hydro Dam
An Grianan and Allt Cashlie Hydro Dam

It was then a steep climb, latterly up a grassy gully avoiding most of the rocks, to reach the grassy summit of An Grianan, a Hump and Corbett Top.

Meall Ghaordaidh
Meall Ghaordaidh
Beinn Heasgarnich and Loch Lyon
Beinn Heasgarnich and Loch Lyon
Stuchd an Lochain
Stuchd an Lochain

There was a cold wind blowing so on reaching the summit cairn I made the easy descent to the col with Stuchd an Lochain then headed for this Munro. The underfoot conditions were fairly good with the final climb on an eroded and fairly steep path.

Sron a' Choire Chnapainich and Loch an Daimh
Sron a’ Choire Chnapainich and Loch an Daimh
Loch an Daimh and Meall Buidhe
Loch an Daimh and Meall Buidhe
Sron Chona Choirein
Sron Chona Choirein
An Grianan
An Grianan

On visiting the summit cairn I located a sheltered area for a snack then returned down the south-east ridge. I continued along this ridge where there were some old metal fence posts and ascended the Munro Top, Sron Chona Choirein.

I then descended south and climbed the Sub Simm, Meall Dubh, visiting a couple of points as I couldn’t tell which was the highest.

View down Glen Lyon
View down Glen Lyon

Thereafter I continued south on a fairly steep descent on grassy vegetation to reach the gate used earlier in the day and returned to the start.

  • Time taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Distance – 9.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 850 metres.