Glen Lethnot

I parked at the end of the public road in Glen Lethnot, one of the lesser known Glens in Angus located well north-west of Brechin, and walked south passed the farm buildings at Waterhead. The vehicle track then turned south-west than north-west and climbed fairly steeply onto Hill of Berran where the gradient eased. The track continued to below the north side of Wester Hill so I left it and climbed to the summit of this Graham Top visiting a couple of heathery mounds, one of which was apparently the highest point.

The vehicle track was rejoined slightly further west and I descended to the col with Earn Skelly. I then commenced ascent of this hill later leaving the track and following an ATV track. I spotted a couple of stationery grey coloured Land Rovers so to avoid them I walked across heathery ground to the summit of this Graham Top which had no feature but was just east of a pool of water.

I returned to the vehicle track, passing closer to the Land Rovers which were unoccupied, and then I spotted a group of estate staff and their dogs coming out of Corrie na Bearran. They stopped long enough for us to avoid contact as I left the vehicle track and descended fairly steeply into the Corrie. Here I came across one of their dogs and it was a while later that a chap appeared at the top of the corrie and spent some time shouting for his dog which later disappeared presumably they were reunited.

The gradient later eased and I crossed some rough ground including long heather to reach the Water of Saughs. Once over this burn, the water was fairly low, I climbed the fairly steep vehicle track on the west side of the Smithy Burn. I then left this track, crossed some more rough ground, including long heather, to join the vehicle track west of Broom Craig. The track was followed to the summit of this Sub Simm, the highest point being at the side of the track.

I descended south to the west of West Corrie on a vehicle track that led to several shooting butts before it came to an end. Then it was across some heather to join an old vehicle track which took me to the estate track on the north-east side of West Water followed by a short walk back to my car.

  • Time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 820 metres.