Glen Lean

The starting point for the Graham, Cruach nan Capull, was the B836 in Glen Lean at the vehicle track leading to the house at Corrachaive which at the time of this visit was up for sale. Here there was space for a single vehicle on the east side of the track.

We walked south along this track and soon came to a junction where we took a left, straight ahead led to the house at Corrachaive.

Cruach nan Capull and start of walk
Cruach nan Capull and start of walk

There was space for another couple of cars to park here. A locked gate was reached followed by the crossing of the Corrachaive Burn which was fairly low.

Beyond we entered the forest and walked along the track up Corrachaive Glen. After a bend in the track and the crossing of a stream we located an old track the start marked by a couple of stones. This track, which was wet in places, zigzagged up through the trees. There was also a small landslip and a couple of fallen trees blocking the route. The track later narrowed and its condition deteriorated before emerging from the trees.

Route to Cruach nan Capull once above forest
Route to Cruach nan Capull once above forest

From there we headed onto the south ridge of Cruach nan Capull followed by a fairly steep climb to the summit cairn and the nearby high point.

Across Glen Lean to Sgorach Mor and Creag a'Chanuill
Across Glen Lean to Sgorach Mor and Creag a’Chanuill
Fields north of the Holy Loch and Dunoon
Fields north of the Holy Loch and Dunoon
Holy Loch and Firth of Clyde
Holy Loch and Firth of Clyde
Leacann nan Gall
Leacann nan Gall

We took a short break here before my walking companion returned by the ascent route while I descended east, avoiding some snow patches, onto the north-west ridge of Leacann nan Gall where I disturbed some deer. From there I followed a fence to the summit of this Tump with good views of the Isle of Bute.

Black Craig
Black Craig
Loch Striven and Isle of Bute
Loch Striven and Isle of Bute
Cruach nan Capull from Leacann nan Gall
Cruach nan Capull from Leacann nan Gall
Cruach Neuran
Cruach Neuran

Thereafter I returned along the north-west ridge and once beyond a small knoll there was a slight change in direction as I headed towards Meall Criche looking for the route off spotted on my ascent of Cruach nan Capull. On locating the wide gap in the forest it was a fairly steep drop but later the gap narrowed and I was restricted to the side of the burn. Although still a bit steep there was no real difficulties and lower down I came to the main stream where the gradient eased but the walking became a bit awkward due to the terrain and vegetation forcing me to cross and re-cross the stream several times. The last few metres onto the forest track in Corrachaive Glen were probably the toughest part of the descent. I then wandered down the Glen and back to my car.

Looking back at descent route
Looking back at descent route
Gap in trees narrows
Gap in trees narrows
  • Time taken – 4 hours.
  • Distance – 8.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 610 metres.