Glen Feshie

Creag Mhigeachaidh – I left my car in the parking area on the east side of the unclassified Feshiebridge to Achlean Road in Glen Feshie at GR NH852012, where there was space for several vehicles, and walked east on a forest track then a path as it rose through the trees.

Start of walk
Start of walk
Path through heather and trees
Path through heather and trees
Creag Ghiuthsachan
Creag Ghiuthsachan

Beyond them and before a stream crossing I came to a junction of paths where I took a left and headed up through some more well spaced trees onto the open hillside. Prior to reaching the col between Creag Mhigeachaidh and Geal-charn I climbed across easy ground avoiding small boulder fields to reach the cairn marking the summit of the Graham Top, Creag Mhigeachaidh.

Summit, Creag Mhigeachaidh
Summit, Creag Mhigeachaidh
Creag Follais
Creag Follais
Strathspey north-east
Strathspey north-east
Strathspey south-west
Strathspey south-west

I thereafter returned by the upward route.

Insh Hill – Parked at the side of the B970 near Mill Cottage, west of Feshiebridge, and walked through the forest on paths before leaving them and crossing some rough vegetation and brash to gain the summit of Insh Hill. The highest point of this Tump wasn’t obvious so I visited a few rises before returning by the upward route.

  • Total time – 3 hours.
  • Total distance – 10 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 540 metres.