Glen Feshie

Creag Ghiuthsachan –This Hump was located on the east side of Glen Feshie accessed from the B970 at Feshiebridge. The path shown on my map running south-east from NN848999 didn’t appear to exist due to tree felling so I headed back, north, along the glen to NH852012 where there was parking for several vehicles.

Start of walk
Start of walk

I walked east along a vehicle track and at a junction took a right and headed south crossing a wooden footbridge. Further on I spotted a path heading onto the north side of Creag Ghiuthsachan so followed it, gradually gaining some height. However the path became a bit overgrown and swung round to the north-east so I left it and climbed south through long heather onto the summit of Creag Ghiuthsachan although the vegetation was shorter higher up.

Summit, Creag Ghiuthsachan
Summit, Creag Ghiuthsachan

While taking a break here a small herd of reindeer appeared nearby and all lay down except for the largest one.


After photographing them I descended south on a path to the col with Creag Leathan and from there climbed east round the north side of Carn Ban Beag, initially on a path but it disappeared amongst the long heather. Higher up the vegetation was shorter as I headed out to the Corbett Top, Carn Ban West Top, with its two cairns, the south-east one appeared highest.

Meall Buidhe and Sgoran Dubh Mor
Meall Buidhe and Sgoran Dubh Mor
Path to Sgor Gaoith
Path to Sgor Gaoith
Glen Feshie
Glen Feshie

I descended north-west to the col with Carn Ban Beag and made the easy ascent to the summit of this hill. A fairly steep drop through long heather and some rocks took me to a small lochan and from there I climbed onto the south ridge of Creag Leathan and to the cairn marking the summit of this Tump.

River Feshie and Strathspey
River Feshie and Strathspey

The descent north took me through a few mainly well spaced small conifers to the col with Creag Ghiuthsachan. Here I joined the path that ran below this hill and to the point where I had left it earlier. I then followed the outward route back to the start.

Creag Far-leitre – I then drove round to the car park at Uath Lochan, accessed from the unclassified road on the west side of Glen Feshie, and from there climbed the Tump, Creag Far-leitre, visiting the cairn and mound.

Uath Lochan
Uath Lochan
  • Total time – 5 hours.
  • Total distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 750 metres.