Glen Esk

Craig of Dalhastnie and Bulg: These two Tumps are located in Glen Esk, Angus, south of Milden Lodge. I parked on an area of rough ground west of Fernybank, crossed the road and descended via a snow and ice covered vehicle track to the bridge over the River North Esk. Once across this well constructed bridge I briefly walked east before heading south along the vehicle track sign-posted Keenie Farm. After a short walk along this farm road I left it and commenced the ascent of Craig of Dalhastnie which was through heather of various lengths. Higher up there were some rocks before I reached the cairn on the west summit then continued to the cairn on the east top where apparently an outcrop was the highest point.

I descended south-east crossing an estate track to reach a stock fence where a snow covered ATV track was followed up the west side of a fence and onto Bulg’s large summit cairn. From there I descended to its col with Craigangower then it was a fairly steep ascent to its summit which appeared to be a wooden post to the south of the fence and close to an estate track.

I descended WNW through snow covered vegetation to reach estate tracks beside the Burn of Beag which led to the farm road used earlier then it was back to the start.

Barras Hill: On leaving Glen Esk I stopped off on the unclassified road to its east, south of Flatnadriech, and followed a track south through the trees. I soon left it and headed for the open ground and to the summit of the Tump, Barras Hill, which wasn’t marked. I then returned through the trees to the start.

Thornyhill: I left my car on the east verge of the unclassified road west of Fettercairn and opposite Crystal Dairy then walked east along a vehicle track which ran between ploughed fields and into the forest. At the first firebreak I followed it south-east through some rough vegetation to an area of open ground between the forest and a stock fence. I walked up this gap to the trig point then for another 150 metres or so to what apparently was the highest point of this Tump. I returned by the approach route although I used a different firebreak where the walking was easier.

  • Total time – 4.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 13.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 725 metres.