Glen Creran

I left my vehicle at the side of an old section of the A828 Oban to Fort William Road north-east of Druimavuic House then walked the short distance south-west to the start of the vehicle track through the trees to the north of this property. New gates had been installed at both ends of this short section of forest.

Beyond the trees the gradient rose steeply in places and took a new line since my previous visit back in 2005. Once I had gained some more height I discovered the reason for the upgrade and realignment of the track was the construction of a small hydro dam. Here I entered the low cloud as I continued up the track to the head of Coire Buidhe although the track higher up wasn’t in as good condition as lower down.

I left the track and climbed the ridge onto Creag na Cathag (Graham Top) before making the descent to the col with Meall Garbh. I kept to the left of a wall of rock climbing steeply through grass and a few rocks onto the East Ridge of Meall Garbh. On reaching this Corbett Top I navigated to the col with the Corbett, Creach Bheinn, before climbing to its summit trig point and nearby boulder. There was no point in hanging around here in the rain, wind and low cloud, so I about turned and headed back by the outward route by-passing the summit of Meall Garbh.

  • Time taken -5.5 hours.
  • Distance – 15 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1065 metres.