Glen Clova

Glen Clova in Angus was the starting point for this walk leaving my vehicle in the car park on the west side of the bridge over the River South Esk and the Clova Hotel. I walked south along the B955, passed through an open gate and crossed a grassy field to reach a new deer fence and gate.

Cairn of Barns and start of walk along B955
Cairn of Barns and start of walk along B955
Heading for col between Cairn Inks and Cairn of Barns
Heading for col between Cairn Inks and Cairn of Barns

Beyond this point a wet vehicle track led up the east side of a copse of trees to a gate. Here I left the track, climbed up the side of a stone dyke and fence, went through some wet and tussocky ground, to the col between Cairn Inks and Cairn of Barns.

Upper Glen Clova and Craig Mellon
Upper Glen Clova and Craig Mellon

I crossed a stock fence then headed south-west to a deer fence and the col between Cairn Inks and Mount Bouie (uncategorised) before climbing to the summit of the later where the highest point was either beside the deer fence or a nearby heathery knoll.

Cairn of Barns
Cairn of Barns
Glen Prosen
Glen Prosen

On returning to the col between Cairn Inks and Cairn of Barns  I ascended the later, a Graham Top, where there was a cairn although a couple of nearby rocks may have been higher.

Cairn Inks
Cairn Inks
Upper Glen Clova and towards Lochnagar
Upper Glen Clova and towards Lochnagar
Mount Bouie
Mount Bouie

I thereafter descended east then south-east to the rather wet col with Coremachy and ascended this Tump, the high point marked by a cairn.

I returned to the col with Cairn of Barns then followed a deer fence before descending north to the gate in the deer fence used on the ascent route then it was back to the car park.

Deer on the move
Deer on the move
Upper Glen Clova and Craig Mellon
Upper Glen Clova and Craig Mellon
Across Glen Clova to Corrie of Bonhard and Corrie of Clova
Across Glen Clova to Corrie of Bonhard and Corrie of Clova
Craigs of Loch Wharral and Ben Tirran
Craigs of Loch Wharral and Ben Tirran
  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 630 metres.