Glen Buchat

I headed for Glen Buchat, north of Strathdon, parking on the north verge just west of the derelict farm buildings at Badenyon then walked to and through this property and onto a vehicle track at the west side of the copse of trees. This took me through a pheasant enclosure and into a field with an electric fence which was followed to a gate giving access to a vehicle track. This track ran up the other side of the trees and its use would have been preferable. The track soon began to lose height so I left it and walked through snow covered heather before ascending The Socach. (uncategorised) The highest point wasn’t obvious.

I descended north to the col with Caochandye Hill (uncategorised) then it was a long walk to its summit where the highest point wasn’t obvious. The descent north-east was through more snow covered rough vegetation to the col with Crespet Hill where there was an electric fence. Loads of peat hags and pools of water were avoided before I located a crossing point to the north-west. There were more peat hags and pools of water as I headed south-east onto Crespet Hill. Higher up it was possible to use the snow covered peat hags to gain height. The highest point of this Tump appeared to be beside a crossing point on the electric fence.

This electric fence was unnecessarily crossed and followed north-east through more peat hags and pools of water before re-crossing the fence as it headed away from my next hill. As I ascended Hill of Three Stones more rough underfoot conditions were encountered but higher up the walking was easier using the peat hags. The summit of this Graham Top was reached but the highest point wasn’t obvious.

I retraced the route through the peat hags before descending to the col with Allt Sowan Hill where again I came across the electric fence. Fortunately there was another crossing point nearby and once over the fence I commenced the ascent of this Tump where apparently tussocks, there were a few, was the highest point.

A vehicle track just to the west of this summit was located and this track and others were used to reach the ruins at Ryntaing then return me to Badenyon Farm. Prior to reaching the farm I met the local keeper who appeared interested in where I had been.

  • Time taken – 5 hours.
  • Distance – 13 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 485 metres.