Gleann Mama

I parked on the north verge of the A830 Mallaig to Lochailort Road just west of the entrance to Glen Mama Farm and walked down the track to the farm and the bridge over the Allt a’Mama.

Glen Mama Farm and start of walk
Glen Mama Farm and start of walk
Beinn nan Cabar in distance
Beinn nan Cabar in distance

Once across the bridge a vehicle track led across the grassy fields on the south-east side of the stream. My map showed that the path re-crossed the stream but with nothing obvious on the other side I remained on the south-east side and followed marks through the stones and vegetation. There was lots of evidence of last year’s moorland fire.

After some rough walking I reached the vehicle track that came in from the south and walked along it to the outflow of Loch Mama where large stepping stones assisted in the crossing.

Loch Mama
Loch Mama

The vehicle track along the north shore of Loch Mama was less obvious but took me to and passed a shieling where I commenced the gradual ascent to and across the Allt a’Fhithich.

Loch Mama and approach route
Loch Mama and approach route

It was then a fairly steep climb later easing to reach the South Top of Beinn nan Cabar, a Tump.

Loch Mama and Loch nan Uamh
Loch Mama and Loch nan Uamh

A short drop then a fairly steep climb through rocks took me to the summit of the Marilyn, Beinn nan Cabar, where I had good views in all directions.

Loch Morar and Sound of Sleat
Loch Morar and Sound of Sleat
Loch Morar, North Morar and Loch Nevis
Loch Morar, North Morar and Loch Nevis
Towards Knoydart
Towards Knoydart
Bidein a'Chabair and Druim a'Chuirn
Bidein a’Chabair and Druim a’Chuirn
Druim a'Chuirn, Meith Bheinn and Loch Beoraid
Druim a’Chuirn, Meith Bheinn and Loch Beoraid
Sgurr an Utha and Glas-charn
Sgurr an Utha and Glas-charn
Creag Bhan
Creag Bhan
Rois-Bheinn Corbetts
Rois-Bheinn Corbetts

It was a nice spot to rest. Afterwards I walked over to the West Top, a Sub Dodd, before descending into the corrie, crossing the Allt a’Fhithich, and returning to the start by the upward route.

Sound of Arisaig and towards Ardnamurchan
Sound of Arisaig and towards Ardnamurchan
Sidhean Mor
Sidhean Mor
  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 690 metres.