Gleann Fionnlighe

We were in Banavie near Fort William, so it was only a short drive west along the A830 Mallaig Road to the start of this walk parking on an old section of road opposite the A861 Strontian Road. We set off up Gleann Fionnlighe, this being the trade route to the Munro, Gulvain.

Start of walk up Gleann Fionnlighe
Start of walk up Gleann Fionnlighe

The track initially ran up the east side of the Fionn Lighe later crossing it at a wooden bridge.

Walk up Gleann Fionnlighe
Walk up Gleann Fionnlighe
Not a lot of water in the Fionn Lighe
Not a lot of water in the Fionn Lighe

The track then continued up the west bank becoming a bit rougher once beyond some buildings. On clearing the forest and before reaching the Allt a’Choire Reidh we left the track and commenced the ascent of Braigh nan Uamhachan.

Aodann Chleireig
Aodann Chleireig
Meall Onfhaidh
Meall Onfhaidh
Route onto south ridge of Braigh nan Uamhachan
Route onto south ridge of Braigh nan Uamhachan
Coire Reidh
Coire Reidh

It was a steady climb through rough vegetation avoiding some rocks to reach the ridge just north of Sron Liath where there was a stone dyke.

Fraoch-bheinn and Beinn an Tuim
Fraoch-bheinn and Beinn an Tuim
On-route to summit of Braigh nan Uamhachan
On-route to summit of Braigh nan Uamhachan

The gradient eased as we made our way onto the summit of the Corbett, Braigh nan Uamhachan where the cairn and a rock to the north were apparently the same height.

Gulvain from Braigh nan Uamhachan
Gulvain from Braigh nan Uamhachan
In the distance Loch Eil with Ben Nevis above a veil of cloud
In the distance Loch Eil with Ben Nevis above a veil of cloud
Sron Liath and Na h-Uamhachan
Sron Liath and Na h-Uamhachan
Summit, Braigh nan Uamhachan
Summit, Braigh nan Uamhachan
Streap Comhlaidh, Streap and Sgurr Thuilm
Streap Comhlaidh, Streap and Sgurr Thuilm
Ben Nevis zoomed
Ben Nevis zoomed

After an extended break here we descended north before swinging round to the east. The rest of the party then headed into Coire Reidh while I continued onto the Sub Dodd, Gualann nan Osna, before also descending into this coire.

Glen Dessarry Munros in the distance
Glen Dessarry Munros in the distance
Gleann Camgharaidh and Loch Arkaig
Gleann Camgharaidh and Loch Arkaig

We later re-grouped at the start of the path on the east side of the Allt a’Choire Reidh which was followed until it joined the track in Gleann Fionnlighe.

Gleann Fionnlighe
Gleann Fionnlighe

We then retraced the outward route back down this glen.

  • Time taken – 7.75 hours.
  • Distance – 20.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 890 metres.