Gleann Beag

I left my car in the small parking area beside the bridge over the Shee Water in the Spittal of Glenshee and walked to then a short distance north along the A93. Thereafter a vehicle track was followed east to the property at Tomb, this route being a section of the Cateran Trail. Here I left the Trail and headed north on a vehicle track into Coire Bad an Loin.

Bad an Loin and Spittal of Glenshee
Bad an Loin and Spittal of Glenshee

An ATV track, fainter higher up, then took me towards the col between Carn an Daimh and Carn Chomh-Stri. From there I climbed the Graham Top, Carn an Daimh visiting two knolls, as I couldn’t tell which was the highest.

Carn an Daimh
Carn an Daimh

I headed back to the col with Carn Chomh-Stri and ascended this Graham Top disturbing a large herd of stags.

Herd of stags
Herd of stags

Thereafter I made a more direct return to the ATV track and descended back to Coire Bad an Loin. From there I crossed some wet ground, passing a few shooting buts, to reach the north ridge of Bad an Loin. I then climbed to the summit of this Tump.

Glen Shee
Glen Shee
Ben Gulabin
Ben Gulabin
Carn Mor and The Cairnwell
Carn Mor and The Cairnwell
Mount Blair
Mount Blair

The descent was in a south-easterly direction to rejoin the Coire Bad an Loin vehicle track and return to the Spittal of Glenshee by the outward route.

  • Time taken 4 hours.
  • Distance – 10.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 585 metres.