Geal Charn, Advie

I parked at the entrance to Straan Wood, on the north side of the B9102 Grantown on Spey to Knockando Road, west of Tulchan Lodge. There were two estate tracks, one going west, the other, which I headed along, went east towards and above a house with a large vegetable garden and polytunnels.

Start of walk, track through trees.
Start of walk, track through trees.

The track here turned north then it was a steady climb through the wood, the track having been repaired in areas, to emerge onto the open heathery hillside where muirburning had taken place.

First view of Geal Charn
First view of Geal Charn

The track was followed to just south of the summit of Geal Charn, the last 180 metres or so was through heather of various lengths. Prior to reaching the summit, which appeared to be a clump of heather north-west of the cairn, I disturbed a curlew sitting on four eggs.

Curlew's nest
Curlew’s nest
Carn na h-Eige
Carn na h-Eige
Roy's Hill
Roy’s Hill
Ben Rinnes
Ben Rinnes
Approach route. Strath Spey beyond
Approach route. Strath Spey beyond
Strath Spey and the Cromdale Hills
Strath Spey and the Cromdale Hills
Cairngorms in the distance
Cairngorms in the distance
Carn na Loine
Carn na Loine

After visiting the highpoint of this Tump, and the cairn, I descended south-east through heather, to rejoin the track and return to my vehicle by the upward route.

  • Time taken – 1.75 hours.
  • Distance – 6.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 300 metres.