
Lary Hill and Tom Liath: Parked beside the farm building at Lary, at the end of the unclassified road through Glen Gairn, accessed from the A93 at Bridge of Gairn, and walked north-east to a gate in a stock fence. Beyond a vehicle track headed through the heather and onto the east side of Lary Hill gaining some height. The track gradually became less obvious so I left it and continued through the heather to the summit of this Tump which was marked by a cairn.

I descended north later coming across a quad vehicle trail which I followed to the col with Tom Liath. The ascent of this hill was initially through more heather until I came across another quad vehicle track which took me close to the summit of Tom Liath. A faint path in the heather led to the cairn on the summit of this Graham Top.

The return was initially along the quad vehicle trail which took me to south-west of Morven Lodge and here I followed a grassy track along the edge of a fence. The track disappeared amongst some wet ground but eventually I reached the vehicle track running from Morven Lodge to Lary which was used to get back to the start.

Mammie:  I parked at the east side of the A939 beside the track leading to Clashanruich, north-east of Gairnshiel Lodge, and from there walked up the vehicle track to the radio mast and cairn. Apparently the highest point of this Tump was some heather beside the cairn. The return was by the approach route.

Geallaig Hill: I managed to get my car off the road at the high point of the B976 Gairnshiel to Crathie Road and walked a few metres north-east to a gate in the stock fence. Once through it a vehicle track headed SSW and close to the summit of Knock of Lawsie. After visiting its summit cairn I rejoined the vehicle track and headed for The Maim again leaving the track to reach a cairn on this summit.

Once again I rejoined the vehicle track which I followed east to the summit of Geallaig Hill where the trig point was enclosed by a circular cairn. From this Graham I descended south still on a vehicle track which passed close to the summit of Creag na Creiche. The high point was apparently a rock six metres from the smaller of the two cairns, although I visited all three point.

The return was along the vehicle tracks used earlier by-passing the summits.

  • Total time – 5.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 24.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 990 metres.