Fraoch Bheinn

It was back to Glen Dessarry, accessed from the end of the B8005 at the east end of Lock Arkaig on a long stretch of single track road on the north side of the Loch, to ascend Fraoch Bheinn, the only Corbett left in that area to climb for the third time. On my arrival at the car park at the west end of the Loch there were already several cars parked there.

Parking area end of public road Loch Arkaig
Parking area end of public road Loch Arkaig
Start of walk
Start of walk

I walked along the vehicle track passed Strathan and the turn off for Glen Pean to the signposted Right of Way route for Tomdoun.

Strathan, Streap and Sgurr Thuilm
Strathan, Streap and Sgurr Thuilm
Start of Right of Way to Tomdoun
Start of Right of Way to Tomdoun

This rough and sometimes peaty track which was very dry was followed north and when it changed direction to the north-east I left it, crossed an old fence, and commenced the ascent of Fraoch Bheinn.

View back to Strathan. Streap and Sgurr Thuilm beyond
View back to Strathan. Streap and Sgurr Thuilm beyond
Route onto Fraoch Bheinn
Route onto Fraoch Bheinn
Glen Dessarry, Carn Mor and Bidean a' Chabair
Glen Dessarry, Carn Mor and Bidean a’ Chabair

It was a fairly steep climb avoiding numerous rocky outcrops and was hard work in the heat. Higher up the gradient eased and there were traces of a path. The summit was marked by two cairns, the northerly one apparently the highest.

Loch Arkaig
Loch Arkaig
Braigh nan Uamhachan, Streap, Sgurr Thuilm and Sgurr nan Coireachan
Braigh nan Uamhachan, Streap, Sgurr Thuilm and Sgurr nan Coireachan
Sgurr Beag and Sgurr Mor
Sgurr Beag and Sgurr Mor
Fraoch Bheinn North Top
Fraoch Bheinn North Top

Here I met a chap who had camped at the side of Loch Arkaig and had come up the west face of the Corbett. While chatting we observed a couple of stags sitting in a pool of water. 

Stags sitting in water
Stags sitting in water

He later descended east with the intention of climbing the Corbett, Sgurr Mhurlagain, while I stayed at the top for a while longer.

I then headed out to Fraoch Bheinn’s North Top (Sub Simm) passing reasonably close to the two stags now drying in the sun.

Sgurr Mhurlagain
Sgurr Mhurlagain
Fraoch Bheinn from its North Top
Fraoch Bheinn from its North Top
Gairich and Glen Kingie
Gairich and Glen Kingie
Sgurr Cos na Breachd-laoidh, Glen Dessarry Munros and out to Knoydart
Sgurr Cos na Breachd-laoidh, Glen Dessarry Munros and out to Knoydart

They were still there on my return from the North Top.

Stags still there on my return from the North Top
Stags still there on my return from the North Top

On collecting my rucksack I returned to the car park by the ascent route.

  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 9.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 865 metres.