
Lamahip and Craig Lash South Top – I headed for the Forest of Birse, accessed off the B976 Banchory to Aboyne South Deeside Road at Finzean, and parked at the side of this single track road just east of the track heading north-east towards Finlets. (GR  NO 554 910) I walked up this track then onto one that crossed the summit of Corrybeg. At another junction of tracks I followed the one that went west on a slight decline then crossed an area of cut heather to the summit of the Tump, Lamahip.

I returned to Corrybeg and to the vehicle track where I descended north. Lower down I came across the vehicle track that headed south but contrary to the map it came to an end so I followed a stone dyke east through marsh and bog then some long heather. I came across an un-mapped track which took me close to the summit of Craig Lash. A short walk through more long heather led to its summit.

The descent south-west was initially on cut heather then through long vegetation to reach the summit of Craig Lash South Top which was shown as being equal in height with the North Top although the South Top is given Tump status.

From there I headed west through long vegetation to a high fence and once I had located a suitable crossing point I continued west until I reached the vehicle track below Corrybeg and followed the track back to the start.

Tom’s Cairn Parked on the east side of the B976 Banchory to Aboyne South Deeside Road north-west of Finzean and opposite the memorial where there was space for a few cars. I walked north-east along a path through the trees to reach the open hillside and a couple of pedestrian friendly gates. The path led to the summit of this Tump where there was a trig point and a couple of cairns. The return was by the approach route.

  • Total time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 14.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 555 metres.