Feiriosbhal, Isle of Lewis

I was driving from Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, to my accommodation in the south-east of the Isle of Harris and stopped off to climb the Marilyn, Feiriosbhal. The starting point for its ascent was an extended passing place near the Abhainn Sgeireabhat on the unclassified single track road leading to Eishken.

In drizzle I set off across some wet and boggy ground and entered the low cloud. My route took me to the col between Creag na h-Uamha and Feiriosbhal and from there I climbed to the summit of this Marilyn.  

Summit, Feiriosbhal
Summit, Feiriosbhal

With no views I returned by the ascent route.

Returning to car
Returning to car
  • Time taken – 1.75 hours.
  • Distance 4 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 305 metres.