Falls of Orrin

Cnoc Udais: Parked near Auchmore Farm, on the unclassified road west of Muir of Ord, crossed a gate then vehicle tracks led to the cairn marking the summit of this Tump. The return was by the ascent route.

Cul Mor and Cul Beag: Left my vehicle in the Falls of Orrin car park, accessed along unclassified roads west of Muir of Ord, and walked along the road to the Weir on the River Orrin. Later left this track and followed the edge of a field through some rough vegetation. Crossed some wet ground then it was a steep climb through long heather disturbing some hinds. One was obviously ill as it rolled into the heather instead of getting to its feet. I continued to the cairn on Cul Mor and the high ground nearby.

Attempted to descend south-west from this Hump but there was lots of conglomerate rock blocking progress. I did attempt a couple of routes but retreated and headed more west to descend steeply through heather before working my way round the west side of Cul Mor below the rocks. It was then across some wet ground to below Cul Beag then through heather to the summit of this Tump.

I descended through heather then an old path led to a gate in a deer fence. Once across it a vehicle track took me through a new plantation and back to the tarred road and the car park.

Tower Hill: I left my car in the Falls of Orrin car park and walked to and across the road bridge over the River Orrin then followed the vehicle track west along the north side of the river until beside the Weir. At this point I left the track and followed a path north through the trees later leaving it and following old work vehicle tracks, avoiding the deep ruts full of water, to the summit of the Tump, Tower Hill. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time – 5.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 18 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 925 metres.