
Hill of Easter Echt: This Tump was located north-east of the village of Echt and was accessed from the minor road to the north of the B9119 Aberdeen to Tarland Road parking with permission beside business premises north of Easter Echt Farm. I then walked east along an estate road later leaving it and entering an area where the trees had been harvested and replaced by young firs and to what appeared to me to be the highest point of Hill of Easter Echt.

An alternative summit was located to the north of the estate road so I returned to and crossed this road and walked north through the trees. I briefly entered a field before returning to the wood to wander around an area close to outbuildings which I considered to be the alternative high point. I thereafter returned to the estate road and the start.

  • Time taken – 1 hour.
  • Distance – 2.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 50 metres.