
Barmekin Hill: I parked on the verge of the minor road leading to North Mains just off the B977 Echt to Dunecht Road, crossed the B977, and walked up the vehicle track passed the business premises, Osprey Systems, at Upper Mains. Once beyond the highpoint of this track and a stock gate I followed a little used track north-east until I came across a sign indicating the path to the summit of this Tump. The path took me through a few trees and a mixture of vegetation before higher up I crossed a couple of demolished stone walls to reach the summit trig point. The return was by the upward route.

Balblair Hill: Located to the west of the village of Echt I approached this Tump from the minor road to its west where I was able to park off-road. I then walked along a forest track before entering the trees and following some old machinery tracks to the summit area where I wandered around as the highest point wasn’t obvious. Thereafter I descended south then south-west back to the start.

Tillybirloch Hill: I parked beside the bridge over a stream on the minor road to the north-west of this Tump and west of Echt, crossed a field and entered the forest. The trees were well enough spaced to allow me to climb to the summit although its highest point wasn’t obvious. The return was by the upward route.

Ordie Caber abd Learney Hill: I parked at the east side of the crossroads junction with the B9119 Echt to Tarland Road and the B993 Torphins to Millbank Road (Learney Crossroads) and made the short walk west to North Lodge. Here an estate track ran south-west and I initially used it before leaving the track to ascend the Tump, Ordie Caber. The ground was fairly steep with some rough vegetation before the gradient eased. I then wandered through the trees including some windblown timber to locate the mossy trig point marking the summit of Ordie Caber.

I then gradually descended west later following old machinery tracks to re-join and continue along the estate track. I later left it and climbed to the summit area of Learney Hill where there were a number of fallen trees but the summit of this Tump appeared to be the large mossy cairn. Thereafter I returned to the estate track and followed it back to the start.

Knockfullertree: This Tump was located to the north-west of Echt and approached from the minor road to its south.  I crossed a barbed wire fence and entered a small wooded area where the trees were well spaced and the ground obviously used by cattle. On getting close to these beasts I made a bee-line for a dyke and barbed wire fence and entered a stubble field. After crossing a second stubble field I reached the edge of the forest and after crossing another couple of barbed wire fences I walked through the well spaced trees. The highest point of Knockfullertree wasn’t obvious. I returned to the stubble fields and instead of going near the cattle descended to the minor road and walked back to my car.

  • Total time – 4.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 13.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 510 metres.