Easterly Mamores

I left my car in the Grey Mares Tail car park in Kinlochmore, just off the B863 at Kinlochleven, and headed up the path on the south-east side of the Allt a’ Chumhainn.

Start of walk
Start of walk

Thereafter there were several paths to choose from but I obvious took the wrong one as I ended up on the opposite side of the stream. My plan was to head into Coire na Ba so I attempted to cross to the other side of the Allt a’ Chumhainn but it now ran through a deep and in places rocky gorge. I walked through long wet vegetation looking for a suitable crossing point and was near the estate track before I located one.

The plan to enter Coire na Ba was abandoned as I crossed the estate track then some rough ground onto Na Gruagaichean’s South-West Ridge.

Mamore Lodge, Loch Leven and Pap of Glencoe
Mamore Lodge, Loch Leven and Pap of Glencoe
Kinlochleven, Garbh Bheinn and Aonach Eagach
Kinlochleven, Garbh Bheinn and Aonach Eagach
South Ridge, Na Gruagaichean and route to summit
South Ridge, Na Gruagaichean and route to summit

The walking was easier here although there was a cold breeze. As I made my way onto the summit cairn of this Munro, the top was engulfed in cloud which had been floating around some of the tops. After a short break I descended north-east as the cloud lifted.

Na Gruagaichean North-West Top
Na Gruagaichean North-West Top
Binnein Mor and its South Top
Binnein Mor and its South Top

I then ascended Binnein Mor South Top, a Munro Top, and onto the Munro, Binnein Mor.

Coire an Lochain and Sgurr Eilde Mor
Coire an Lochain and Sgurr Eilde Mor
Na Gruagaichean and Stob Coire a' Chairn
Na Gruagaichean and Stob Coire a’ Chairn
Binnein Beag and Grey Corries
Binnein Beag and Grey Corries

It was only 11.30am and with the cloud clearing even the highest tops and the sun out I decided to extend the walk to include the Munros, Binnein Beag and Sgurr Eilde Mor.

Westerly Mamores
Westerly Mamores

Initially this entailed heading north along a narrow ridge before descending to the twin lochans below the Sron a’ Gharbh-Choire Ridge but due to an old landslip this was a bit awkward.

Binnein Beag and its lochan
Binnein Beag and its lochan

From these lochans I crossed to the lochan below Binnein Beag then climbed this rocky hill meeting a couple of females as they were departing the summit, the only folks I met or saw all day.

Binnein Mor
Binnein Mor
Glen Nevis and Ben Nevis
Glen Nevis and Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis, Carn Mor Dearg, Aonach Mor and Aonach Beag
Ben Nevis, Carn Mor Dearg, Aonach Mor and Aonach Beag

After a lunch with some good views of the surrounding mountains I returned down Binnein Beag’s South-West Ridge then followed the path south-east then south into Coire a’ Bheinnein before climbing the zigzags to the north end of Coire an Lochain. From there a path led onto Sgurr Eilde Mor although the upper section consisted mainly of loose scree. Here I passed the two females I met earlier, on their descent.

There was a cold wind blowing when I reached the summit cairn so I descended south over some rocks and boulders then west to Coire an Lochain. From here I followed the path below Sgor Eilde Beag and to the track well west of Loch Eilde Mor. This track was crossed then another path, quite worn in sections, led back to Kinlochmore, part of the route I had used earlier in the day.

  • Time taken – 9.75 hours.
  • Distance – 18.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1985 metres.