Easter Ross

Hill of Pitcalnie: Located north-east of Nigg, in Easter Ross, I parked at the side of the vehicle track opposite Wester Rarichie, and just south of the unclassified road to Balintore, and walked up the track to the sheep pens. Once through a couple of gates the track became less obvious. I went through a gap in the bushes, crossed rough grassy vegetation to a few stones round a gorse bush which marked the highest point of this Tump. An aerial on top of a wooden post was positioned nearby. The return was by the upward route.

Hill of Shandwick: I moved my vehicle to the small parking area for the Shandwick Stones, south-west of Balintore, and walked east to the houses at Old Shandwick. From there a vehicle track led to a field then into an area of rough grazing and gorse bushes. The track came to an end beside some old brick buildings. A direct route to the summit of Hill of Shandwick wasn’t possible due to more gorse bushes so I had to work my way round them before crossing a couple of barbed wire fences to enter a small copse. A gate at the other end allowed me access to a field of neeps and sheep and I walked across this field to its high point which wasn’t marked. The return was by the upward route.

Cadboil Mount: I parked at the side of the B9165, north-east of Fearn, and at the start of the road leading to Cadboil Mount Farm. I walked south-east up this tarred road to beyond the farm and an extended cottage where I entered a field. I walked along the edge of this field, crossed a fence and climbed to the obvious summit of this Tump. The return was by the upward route.

Meikle Tarrel Hill: I parked just off the B9165, south-west of Portmahomack and opposite Tarrel, at the start of the road leading to Meikle Tarrel Farm. I walked up this farm road, which consisted mainly of concrete, to just before the farm building then north-east passed the cottages to the end of a track. Here I crossed a gate in the stock fence and entered a field where potatoes had been lifted. The highest point of this Tump appeared to be amongst the trees so I crossed a barbed wire fence and located what appeared to be the summit. The return was through the trees to rejoin the track beside the cottages then back to the start by the upward route.

Broom Hill: This Tump was located to the north-east of Portmahomack so I parked at the side of the road leading to Tarbat Ness and walked up the tarred road to Hilton Farm. Behind the farm buildings I crossed a gate and made the short walk to the telecommunications tower then crossed a ploughed field to the highest point of this Tump. On my return by the outward route I visited the trig point which was located amongst some gorse bushes.

  • Total time – 4 hours.
  • Total distance – 16.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 360 metres.