Dundee City

Heading south I stopped off in Dundee City to bag its three Tumps. The first one was Dundee Law which was close to the city centre. I wasn’t aware you could drive to and park beside the summit tower so I left my vehicle in a lower car park, walked up the path to the tower, then crossed the grass to the trig point which was located beside the communications mast.

The next hill was Balgay Hill located a short distance to the west of Dundee Law. I left my vehicle in the nearby cemetery then walked up a roadway to and across a metal bridge. A path led to the summit observatory which I walked round before returning to the start.

The final hill in Dundee was Gallows Hill to the north-west of the city. I parked in a lay-by on the north side of the A923 then crossed the golf course into Templeton Wood. Tracks led to the summit, a water treatment compound, so once I had walked round it I followed the tracks back to the start.

  • Total time taken – 1 hour.
  • Total distance – 4 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 145 metres.