
I left my car on an area of waste ground on the north-east side of the level crossing at Dalnaspidal, just off the A9 south of the Drumochter Pass, crossed the railway line, and followed the vehicle track that by-passed Dalnaspidal Lodge to the north. This led to the bridge over the Allt Dubhaig which was under repair.

Meall na Leitreach and track to Aquaduct
Meall na Leitreach and track to Aquaduct

A new rough boulder track ran along a short section of aqueduct and to the footbridge over it and to the dam which was used to cross the River Garry.

Aquaduct and crossing points
Aquaduct and crossing points

Beyond, a mainly wet and peaty ATV track headed uphill and onto the north-east ridge of Sron na h-Eiteich.

Looking back at approach route and Dalnaspidal Lodge
Looking back at approach route and Dalnaspidal Lodge
The Sow of Atholl
The Sow of Atholl

The condition of the track improved as it gradually rose to the summit of this Sub Simm where a cairn slightly to the north of the track marked its highest point.

The track descended on a gentle gradient to the col with Meall na Leitreach then it was a fairly easy climb onto this Corbett latter leaving the vehicle track and following a walker’s path to the summit cairn.

Route to Meall na Leitreach
Route to Meall na Leitreach

After a break here I returned to the aqueduct then walked along the vehicle track on the north side of the Allt Coire Luidhearnaidh crossing the vehicle track to Loch Garry. I came to another wet and peaty ATV track that I had spotted earlier and walked up it passed shooting butts.

ATV track south ridge The Sow of Atholl
ATV track south ridge The Sow of Atholl

High up the track came to an end so I climbed through some heather, initially quite long, then it was an easy walk to the summit of the Corbett, The Sow of Atholl, marked by a cairn.

Munros, Sgairneach Mhor and Beinn Udlamain
Munros, Sgairneach Mhor and Beinn Udlamain
Munro, A' Mharconaich
Munro, A’ Mharconaich
Boar of Badenoch and the A9 through Glen Truim
Boar of Badenoch and the A9 through Glen Truim
A' Bhuidheanach Bheag
A’ Bhuidheanach Bheag
Dalnaspidal Lodge and the A9 through Glen Garry
Dalnaspidal Lodge and the A9 through Glen Garry
Loch Garry and Meall na Leitreach
Loch Garry and Meall na Leitreach

After another break sheltering from a cold breeze and watching the traffic on the busy A9 below I returned to the Loch Garry track by the upward route and followed it back to the start.

  • Time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Distance – 14.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 825 metres.