
Torr an Daimh: I left my vehicle at the side of the B862 Dores to Fort Augustus Road near the south-west end of Loch Duntelchaig and walked north-east along a vehicle track later leaving it to ascend this Tump. The return was by the outward route.

Ashie Moor:  This Tump was located north of the area Ashie Moor and south-west of Dores. I left my car at the side of the minor road north-east of the B862 Dores to Fort Augustus Road north of Lochan na Curra and walked north-east along a rough track running parallel to the road entering the wood. I left this track and climbed through trees to the summit of the hill Ashie Moor before retracing my route.

Creag Dhearg: From west of Dalcrombie on the minor road south of Loch Duntelchaig, accessed from the B862 Dores to Fort Augustus Road, walked north-east across the open hillside then round some rocks to gain the summit of this Tump. The return was by the ascent route.

Torr Mor: This hill was located on the north side of Loch Ruthven and south of the minor road running between the B862 Dores to Fort Augustus Road and B851 Inverness to Fort Augustus Road. On the day of this visit tree felling was taking place on the west side of the hill so I had to make an ascent from the east. I crossed a field and deer fence to access the trees and the large rock marking the summit of this Tump. The return was initially via the ascent route then a vehicle track through the wood led to a locked gate in the deer fence and the minor road.

An Torr: This Tump was located east of Loch Ruthven. I parked at the side of the minor road west of Elrig, accessed from the B851 Inverness to Fort Augustus Road at East Croachy, and walked across rough vegetation to reach the summit of An Torr. The return was by the upward route.

Druim Dhubh: I left my car at the side of the A862 Inverness to Dores Road north of Dores, (Strath Dores) and north of this Tump. I walked along a forest track then through rough vegetation and fallen timber to the summit of Druim Dhubh. I visited a couple of points as I wasn’t able tell which was highest. I then re-traced my route.

  • Total time – 3.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 11.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 380 metres.