
Glenshalg Hill – B9119 Aberdeen to Tarland Road east of Tullochvenus and the A980 Lumphanan to Alford Road crossed a locked gate and walked south along a vehicle track which took me to within a few metres of the summit. After visiting the high point of this Tump I returned by the approach route.

Mill Maud – From A980 Lumphanan to Alford Road just south of the B9119 Aberdeen to Tarland Road headed along vehicle tracks through the forest then a path onto the open hillside. From there walked along the forest edge to the summit of this Tump before returning by the upward route.

Corse Hill – Parked at the south side of B9119 Aberdeen to Tarland Road and west of the A980 Lumphanan to Alford Road opposite Oldmill and walked south on a track then through fields at the edge of a plantation. I crossed a stock fence with an electric wire then a deer fence to enter an area of overgrown vegetation with numerous hollows and lots of young trees. The highest point of this Tump wasn’t obvious. I returned by the ascent route.

Wester Leochel Hill and Kirk Hill – Parked beside the memorial at Leochel Cushnie, south-west of Alford, and walked south along forest tracks then towards the summit of Wester Leochel Hill. Work was in progress to clear the trees but it being Sunday there was no activity taking place. The highest point of this Tump wasn’t obvious but appeared to be beside trees that had been recently been cut down and windblown timber.

Returned to and crossed the road at Leochel Cushnie then tracks towards the cemetery and through areas of cleared and mature trees. I later left this track and walked through the trees to the highest point of the Tump, Kirk Hill, which wasn’t obvious.  I then headed back to the start by the upward route.

Gleanshalg Hill – From the unclassified road south-west of Ardgowse and Tough walked along the sign-posted route north to beyond the cottage. It was then through gorse bushes and onto the open hillside and summit of this Tump where cattle were grazing. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Total time taken – 3.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 13.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 545 metres.