
I spent a bit of time looking for a suitable location to leave my car near the start of the track at Drynie Farm, north of Dingwall, but there was nothing suitable. I therefore returned to Dingwall and parked on the icy Neil Gunn Road.

From there I walked north on a rough path which soon led to a vehicle track that ran east to west along the back of the houses. I decided to go east. The track was icy and at a stock gate I left it and walked north up the edge of a field through a few gates and a small wood to join the vehicle track for Cnoc a’ Bhreacaich.

This track took me passed the ruin of Caisteal Gorach as the rain commenced. The track became icy and had been used by cattle who were feeding from nearby troughs. Further on the route was more exposed to the wind and the rain turned to snow as I continued to the highpoint on the track. It was then a short walk to the trig point marking the summit of this Hump. I also visited a point further east which was probably lower. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Time taken – 1.75 hours.
  • Distance – 6.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 315 metres.