Deleted Tump near Dulnain Bridge

This was just a short walk to take in a minor top. From Dulnain Bridge on the A938, I drove north then north-west along the single track road to its end, the turning circle east of Balnuick Farm, where I managed to get my vehicle onto the verge.

Beinn Mhor South Top from start
Beinn Mhor South Top from start

I walked back to the turning circle and went through an open gate and into and across a grassy field to reach a stile. This stile gave access to a wood where the trees were well spaced although there were several branches and fallen ones to avoid. I later crossed a stock fence, a field of rough pasture and an area of heather and dried out bog on the west side of Beinn Mhor South Top.

Gorse covered Beinn Mhor South Top
Gorse covered Beinn Mhor South Top

An attempt was made to find a route through the flowering gorse bushes but this ended in failure so I walked further north and discovered a wide area of heather with only a few gorse bushes. It was then a steady climb through the heather to the summit of the deleted Tump, Beinn Mhor South Top, marked by a cairn on top of a knoll.

Grantown on Spey
Grantown on Spey
Laggan Hill
Laggan Hill
View back to start
View back to start

The return was by the approach route although I avoided going through the wood and used a couple of fields instead.

  • Time taken – 1 hour.
  • Distance – 3.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 140 metres.