
Rodger Law and Ballencleuch Law – I parked beside Kirkhope at the end of the public road and south of Daer Reservoir, accessed from the A702 south of Elvanfoot, and commenced the ascent of Rodger Law. We initially located a vehicle track that led to a stock gate but once beyond it we deviated south to avoid cows and calves on the other side of the burn. We then returned to our westerly approach crossing some tussocky ground before joining an ATV track and entering the low cloud. This track was followed onto the north-east ridge of Rodger Law (Graham Top and New Donald) then a short walk led to the summit trig point.

We then made the easy descent south-west to the col with Ballencleuch Law then an easy walk took us to the summit of this Graham, marked by a wooden post. Due to the adverse weather there was no point in hanging around so we returned to the col with Rodger Law and descended across pathless terrain to Carsehope Burn and out of the cloud. Low down there was an ATV track, rocky and muddy in places, which led to the vehicle track south of Kirkhope.

Hods Hill – I then moved my car to the west end of the Daer Reservoir and walked across the grassy dam, part of the Southern Upland Way, and followed it along the edge of a stock fence and into the low cloud. The path crossed Sweetshaw Brae and a few stiles to reach a high point and here I crossed a fence and followed another stock fence to the summit of this Marilyn marked by a fence post. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time – 3.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 14.5 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 710 metres.