Cul Mor

I parked on an area of rough ground on the A835 Ullapool to Ledmore Junction Road just north of Lochan an Ais.

Cul Mor from the start
Cul Mor from the start

From there we passed through a gate and onto a good stalker’s path that ran north to the west of Loch Fhionnlaidh. The stags were roaring.

Lochan Fhionnlaidh. Knockan Crag beyond
Lochan Fhionnlaidh. Knockan Crag beyond

Once the path turned north-west the underfoot condition deteriorated for a while as we walked through some boggy sections but as the gradient increased we left the bog for some stony ground and headed across Meallan Diomhain.

Summit, Meallan Diomhain. Cul Mor beyond
Summit, Meallan Diomhain. Cul Mor beyond

From there we crossed Fliuch Coire, a mixture of heather and stony ground, onto the north-east ridge of the Corbett, Cul Mor.

North-East Ridge Cul Mor
North-East Ridge Cul Mor
Coire Gorm, Sron Gharbh and Loch Sionascaig
Coire Gorm, Sron Gharbh and Loch Sionascaig

The path then continued up this ridge until a boulder field was crossed and the summit trig point reached. Despite the sun there was a cold wind blowing but we sought some shelter to take in the grand views of the North-West Highlands.

Out towards Lochinver
Out towards Lochinver
Loch Veyatie, Suilven, Quinag and Canisp from Cul Mor
Loch Veyatie, Suilven, Quinag and Canisp from Cul Mor
Loch Veyatie, Cam Loch, Canisp and Ben More Assynt from Cul Mor
Loch Veyatie, Cam Loch, Canisp and Ben More Assynt from Cul Mor
Meall Coire an Lochain beyond the A835
Meall Coire an Lochain beyond the A835
Cul Beag, Loch Lurgainn, Ben More Coigach and Stac Pollaidh
Cul Beag, Loch Lurgainn, Ben More Coigach and Stac Pollaidh
Loch Lurgainn and Stac Pollaidh
Loch Lurgainn and Stac Pollaidh

Afterwards we descended to the col with Creag nan Calman then to the top of the gully containing the Allt Lochan Dearg a’ Chuil Mhoir before working our way round Meallan Diomhain to rejoin the path which was followed it back to the start.

Creag nan Calman
Creag nan Calman
Cul Beag
Cul Beag
Loch-an Doire Dhuibh, Loch Lurgainn, Ben More Coigach and Stac Pollaidh
Loch-an Doire Dhuibh, Loch Lurgainn, Ben More Coigach and Stac Pollaidh
Rubha Mor and Enard Bay
Rubha Mor and Enard Bay
Elphin and Loch Urigill
Elphin and Loch Urigill
  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 11 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 695 metres.