Cuillin Munros

We met our guide, George Yeomans, opposite the Youth Hostel in Glen Brittle, accessed from the B8009 south-east of Carbost. Once geared up we set of along the path on the south side of the Allt a’ Choire Ghreadaidh, the same starting point as the previous day when we ascended Sgurr na Banachdich.

On this occasion we continued up the side of the stream into Coire An Dorus then up the scree to just below the An Dorus Gap where we left our sacks. From there we climbed the Munro, Sgurr a’ Mhadaidh.

It was then back to the point where we had left our sacks followed by a short ascent to the top of An Dorus Gap. A bit of rope work took us onto the north ridge of Sgurr a’ Ghreadaidh then we walked along the ridge to the cairn marking the summit of this Munro.

The return was back to the top of the An Dorus Gap then down the screes to Glen Brittle by the outward route.

  • Total time – 6.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 9.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 975 metres.