
I parked at the side of the road east of the roundabout at Creagan on the A828 Glencoe to Connel Road and walked a short distance uphill on the unclassified road to Glen Creran where I had spotted a vehicle track while looking for a suitable starting point. Once over a set of locked gates and in low cloud and rain I walked along this track which gradually rose north-east but unfortunately came to an end.

Beyond, the vegetation was a quagmire having been churned up by cattle making for rather awkward walking with slow progress through the bracken and trees. Eventually I reached and crossed a stock fence where the ground was intact from the cattle but with a few sheep trails.

I followed a stream through more bracken, wet grass and a bit of heather to reach a second stock fence. Once over it I was out with the trees and climbed through some rocks onto the summit area of the Marilyn, Beinn Churalain, and to the small cairn marking its highest point located using my GPS.

The return was by the outward route using various points I had marked on my GPS. At the start of the vehicle track I came across cows, with bells round their necks, so had to divert through more bracken and churned up vegetation to avoid them.

  • Time taken – 2.5 hours.
  • Distance – 4.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 530 metres.