
It was early afternoon when we parked up in the small car park on the south side of the Inverchapel Burn accessed from the A815 Strachar to Dunoon Road at the south end of Loch Eck and opposite a holiday park. On leaving the car park we crossed the burn via a footbridge then immediately took a right following a path that zigzagged uphill.

Start of walk, bridge over the Inverchapel Burn
Start of walk, bridge over the Inverchapel Burn

The path later levelled out a bit and at the third gate we decided this was a suitable point to leave the path. It was a steep climb through a mixture of vegetation but fortunately most of it was dead unlike on my previous visit several years ago when the bracken was taller than me.

South End of Loch Eck
South End of Loch Eck

Higher up we stayed right to avoid the crags then it was onto Beinn Ruadh South Top, a Sub Simm.

Beinn Ruadh South Top
Beinn Ruadh South Top
Dunoon and Firth of Clyde
Dunoon and Firth of Clyde
Firth of Clyde and towards Gourock
Firth of Clyde and towards Gourock

A slight drop followed by an easy stroll of around 750 metres took us to Beinn Ruadh’s trig point then to the rock a further 60 metres north which marked the summit of this Graham.

Approaching Beinn Ruadh's trig point
Approaching Beinn Ruadh’s trig point
Beinn Mhor and Loch Eck
Beinn Mhor and Loch Eck
Loch Eck and Beinn Bheag
Loch Eck and Beinn Bheag
Summit, Beinn Ruadh
Summit, Beinn Ruadh
Sligrachan Hill. Beinn Bheula in the distance
Sligrachan Hill. Beinn Bheula in the distance

The return was by the upward route although we did descend from the South Top via a gully slightly to the north of the ascent route.

  • Time taken – 3.25 hours.
  • Distance – 5.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 665 metres.